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60/90/120 grad Carbide Chamfer End Milling Cutter

Materjal: solidcarbide/tungstenusteel
Kisi: DLCcolorful/nanoblack
Applikabbli: azzar, aluminju, ħadid ieħor, eċċ.
HCR: 56°
Shankdiameter: 4mm-12mm (jista 'personalizzat)
Applikazzjoni: EngravingMachine, CNCmachine
Flawt: 3

Dettall tal-prodott

Chamfer end mills are essential tools in the metalworking industry, primarily used for creating chamfers on workpieces. Chamfering involves removing the sharp edges to form a specific angle, enhancing both the safety and aesthetics of parts. This process also helps in reducing stress concentration, thereby extending the service life of components.

Key Features of Chamfer End Mills

  1. Forma
    • Chamfer end mills typically have a cylindrical shape with a cutting edge designed on one end.
    • The angle of the cutting edge is tailored to match the desired chamfer angle.
  2. materjal
    • These tools are predominantly made from high-speed steel (HSS) or carbide materials, such as tungsten steel.
    • The chosen materials offer excellent hardness and wear resistance, making them suitable for a variety of processing needs.
  3. Għan
    • Beyond basic chamfering, some specially designed chamfer end mills can also perform tasks like countersinking and hole expansion.
    • This versatility allows for a wide range of applications in machinery manufacturing and processing.
  4. Metodu ta 'Installazzjoni
    • Chamfer end mills are mounted on the spindle of machine tools using a tool holder.
    • They are compatible with equipment such as CNC machining centers and CNC milling machines.
  5. dimensjonijiet
    • Available in various diameters and lengths to suit different processing requirements.
    • Users can select the appropriate size based on the specific needs of their project.


Chamfer end mills play a crucial role in the metalworking industry by improving the safety, aesthetics, and durability of parts. Their design, material, and versatility make them a valuable asset in any machining operation. By selecting the right chamfer end mill for the job, manufacturers can ensure efficient and high-quality results.

L-ispeċifikazzjonijiet speċifiċi huma kif ġej, daqsijiet oħra jistgħu jiġu personalizzati:

R Speċifikazzjoni R Speċifikazzjoni R Speċifikazzjoni
60° D1*60°*D4*50L*3F 90° D1*90°*D4*50L*3F 120° D1*120°*D4*50L*3F
D2*60°*D4*50L*3F D2*90°*D4*50L*3F D2*120°*D4*50L*3F
D3*60°*D4*50L*3F D3*90°*D4*50L*3F D3*120°*D4*50L*3F
D4*60°*D4*50L*3F D4*90°*D4*50L*3F D4*120°*D4*50L*3F
D5*60°*D5*50L*3F D5*90°*D5*50L*3F D5*120°*D5*50L*3F
D6*60°*D6*50L*3F D6*9°*D6*50L*3F D6*120°*D6*50L*3F
D8*60°*D8*60L*3F D8*90°*D8*60L*3F D8*120°*D8*60L*3F
D10*60°*D10*60L*3F D10*90°*D10*60L*3F D10*120°*D10*60L*3F
D12*60°*D12*60L*3F D12*90°*D12*60L*3F D12*120°*D12*60L*3F
Nano Bronż Miksija Chamfer Milling Cutter
Nano Bronż Miksija 2F Chamfer Milling Cutter
Chamfer Milling Cutter
2F Chamfer Milling Cutter

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